A series of one-hour radio interviews with Jungian analysts,researchers, instructors and writers on depth psychology.
Taira St. John, Ph.D., MFT - Producer/Host
Carl Gustav Jung, M.D. 1875-1961, renowned Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology, proponent of the imaginal, and treatment of the whole psyche. |
The "DNA of Carl Jung" series is anticipated to include over 50 interviews, divided into series or sets of seven. Series II includes an astrological natal chart reading of Dr. Carl Jung by William Attride, M.A., NYC Astrologer. |
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The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series I (CDs 1-7)
CD 1 - Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Instutute and author of Dream Tending. Subsequent to interview, published Imagination and Medicine by Stephen Aizenstat and Robert Bosnak, who are each interviewed in later series. (03-18-09). |
CD 2 - Rev. Robert S. Henderson, D. Min.,LMT, a pastoral psychotherapist and author of Living with Jung: "Enterviews" with Jungian Analysts, Volumes I - II, co-edited with Counselor Janis W. Henderson, M.A. Volume III was published subsequently. (03-25-09). |
CD 3 - Thomas Moore, psychotherapist, spiritual writer, and author of Care of the Soul and many other books on body, mind and soul. (04-01-09)
CD 4 - Lori Pye, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Culture Change (ICC) and Core Faculty, Pacifica Graduate Institute, on Change as perceived by depth psychology in the work of Carl Jung. (04-08-09)
CD 5 - Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D., Core Faculty, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Co-Editor with Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D., Reimagining Education: Essays on Reviving the Soul of Learning. (04-15-09)
CD 6 - Rev. Megan Wagner, M.A., Ph.D., ordained interfaith minister, Transpersonal Counseling, Kaballah and Interfaith Healing, Tree of Life Teachings on Spiritual Well Being.
CD 7 - Jesse Aizenstat, free lance journalist and surfer on his trek through the Middle East: An introduction to his weekly reports on the politics and culture of the region: Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. (BloggingtheCasbah.com and Surfin' the Casbah!) (04-29-09)
The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series II (CDs 8-14)
Series II CDs are now being edited. Thank you for your patience during this process.
CD 8 - Siddhartha V. Shah, Writer, lecturer and worldwide distributor of the sacred art of Tibet and Nepal , including the masterworks of Robert Beer. (http://tantricart.net/articles.html). (05-06-09) |
CD 9 - Ginette Paris , Ph.D., Core Faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute and author of Wisdom of the Psyche on suffering and healing. (05-13-09) |
CD 10 - Robert Romanyshyn, Ph.D., Core Faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute and author The Soul of Grief and Suffering, on technology and the loss of soul ; grief and suffering as a healing experience of psyche . |
CD 11 - William Attride, M.A., Astrologer; anthropologist , economist, and phillosopher; renaissance student of the humanities, including Carl Jung, New York City. The Natal Chart of Carl Gustav Jung . (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bill-attride/b/930/3b6) (05-28-09) |
CD 12 - "Awakening the Dreamer," Pachamama Project: Carol Cole-Lewis, Alain DeSouches, Carol Cole-Lewis and Michael Stone, (KFMR radio broadcaster, Nevada City/Grass Valley, CA) on the international project to assist indigenous groups in the Amazon region of Ecuador to retain rainforests. (http://www.pachamama.org/content/view/2/4/) (06-03-09) |
CD 13 - Stephen Segaller , Vice President in Charge of Content, WNET TV, New York City; documentary filmmaker of the classic 3--volume video on Carl Jung, Wisdom of the Dream, The Gnostics; and other films . http://www.mythsdreamssymbols.com/wisdomofthedrlumeeam.htm (06-10-09) |
CD 14 - Patricia Katsky, Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate School Core Faculty and Chair, Depth Psychology Program. On counseling training and dreams during this educational phase. (06-24-09) |
Series III CDs under development. Thank you for your patience.
The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series III (CDs 15-21)
CD 15 - Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D - Author and editor with Dennis Patrick Slattery of Reimagining Education: Essays on Reviving the Soul of Learning (http://www.pacifica.edu.) (07-15-09) |
CD 16 - J acqueline Feather, Ph.D. on her Pacifica Graduate Institute dissertation, "Memoir as a Depth Psychology Process - Becoming a Jungian Analyst" . Dr. Feather is an Analyst- in-Training at the Jung Institute of Santa Monica and a screenwriter. (07-00-09) |
CD 17 - John Beebe, MD - Psychological Types. (08-05-09) |
CD 18 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 19 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 20 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 21 - J (00-00-09) |
Series IV CDs under development. Thank you for your patience.
The "DNAof Carl Jung" - Series IV (CDs 22-28)
CD 22 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 23 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 24 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 25 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 26 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 27 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 28 - J (00-00-09) |
Series V CDs under development. Thank you for your patience.
The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series V (CDs 29-35)
CD 29 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 30 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 31 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 32 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 33 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 34 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 35 - J (00-00-09) |
Series VI CDs under development. Thank you for your patience.
The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series VI (CDs 36-42)
CD 36 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 37 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 38 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 39 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 40 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 41 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 42 - J (00-00-09) |
Series VII CDs under development. Thank you for your patience.
The "DNA of Carl Jung" - Series VII (CDs 43-49)
CD 43 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 44 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 45 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 46 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 471 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 48 - J (00-00-09) |
CD 49 - J (00-00-09) |
Partial "Inside Out" Guest List 2009-2010
DNA of Carl Jung Series Radio Interview Series
KPFZ fm 88.1 - Lakeport, Clearlake, all around the Lake, and into four adjacent counties.
Lake County Community Radio Host/Programmer and Producer, Taira St. John, Ph.D., M.F.T.,
CA Lic. Marriage and Family (Depth) Therapist, Family and Civil Mediator,
Certified Online Life Coach, Director of Alternatives to Violence (ATV);
“Inside Out” is a weekly one-hour talk, interview and call-in radio program on psychology, philosophy, religion, metaphysics, alternative medicine, and psychotherapy. This one-hour live conversation about personal and public perspectives from the inside out airs every Wednesday from noon until 1:00 p.m., and replays Mondays at 1:00 p.m. I have not been using call-ins, as they can be a distraction from the impact of the depth interview with these guests.
In March, 2009, “Inside Out” initiated a series on the “DNA of Carl Jung” -- conversations about Carl Jung and depth psychology with outstanding Jungian analysts, therapists, researchers, writers and teachers. Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., President of Pacifica Graduate Institute, (specializing in depth psychology)launched the series on Dream Tending; and appeared again after publishing Imagination and Medicine: The Future of Healing in an Age of Neuroscience, which he coedited with Jungian Psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak, who pioneered a radically different methodology called, “Cyber Dreaming,” based on dream and alchemical research. Professor Bosnak was also interviewed on the show in 2010.
Other guests have included: Bob Henderson (Enterviews with Jungian Analysts, Vols. I & II); Thomas Moore, writer/speaker, Care of the Soul, Writing in the Sand, and others; Lori Pye, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Cultural Change on Change as Perceived by Carl Jung; Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D., and Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D., Pacifica Core Faculty and co-editors/authors of Reimagining Education: Reviving the Soul of Learning; Rev. Megan Wagner, Ph.D., Bay Area Kaballah Teacher; Jesse Aizenstat, “Surfing the Casbah”, Journalist on the Middle East, Blogging the Casbah.com; Siddhartha B. Shah, on Sacred Art and Sacred Space, a representation of gods and goddesses in ancient Tibetan and Nepalese art; Ginette Paris, Ph.D., Pacifica Core Faculty, Wisdom of the Psyche, on sufferin; and The Sacrament of Abortion; Robert Romanyshyn, Pacifica Core Faculty, author of Technology as Symptom and Dream, The Soul in Grief: Love, Death and Transformation, on technology, loss and other soul questions, and The Wounded Researcher; Bill Attride, NYC Depth Analytic Astrologer on the Birth Chart of Carl Jung, and on the interface of great time cycles with current world condition; Alain DeSouches and Michael Stone, Social Activist and KVMR Radio Host, Nevada City, CA, and Carol Cole-Lewis, Social Network Consultant,Pachamama Alliance Spokesmen for Ecuadorean Tribe rainforest project, “Awakening the Dreamer; Stephen Segaller, Vice President,WNET/NYC, co-author of the book and independent film of writer-producer of London’s Channel 4 video series, “The World of C. G. Jung”, “The Gnostics” and other documentaries; Ruth Meyer, Ph.D., author of Clio’s Circle, Understanding History from a Depth Psychology Perspective; Jonathan Young, Ph.D., Founding Curator of Joseph Campbell Archives at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Founder and Director of Center of Story and Symbol on Integrity: the Soul of Ethics, Joseph Campbell, The Mentor and the Mentored and Peter Pan (Puer and Puella); Patricia Katsky, Ph.D., Director of Depth Psychology and Core Faculty, Pacifica Graduate Institute and former President of Los Angeles Jung Institute, on becoming a therapist, individuation and related dreamwork; Jacqueline Feather, Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate Institute, screenwriter and Jungian Analyst in training at the Jung Institute of Southern California in Santa Monica, on “Memoirs as a Depth Psychology Process”; Lionel Corbett, Ph.D., Pacifica faculty, on depth psychology and the numinous; John Beebe, M.D., Jungian Analyst and former President of San Francisco Jung Institute, on Psychological Types and The Red Book; Anne Baring, Jungian Analyst, on The Loss and Return of the World’s Soul (re McGilchrist’s Master and His Emissary) and Soul Power, co-authored with Scilla Elworthy, Ph.D., Executive Director of Peace Direct, London; Laurence Hillman, Astrologer on archetypal perspectives; Jacob Needleman, Ph.D., San Francisco State University,on Money, Why Can’t We be Good? and What is God?; China Galland, Longing for Darkness, on the Black Madonna; Christopher Vogler, author of The Writer’s Journey, from the anthropological themes of Joseph Campbell; Robert Moradi, M.D., Jungian Analyst and Board Certified Psychiatarist, LA Jung Institute Faculty, Assoc. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, on Dreams and Dreaming; Certified Jungian Analyst James Hollis, former President of the Houston Jung Center, Saybrook Institute Clinical Training Director and Vice President of the Philemon Institute, publisher of Jung’s personal notes in the phenomenal Red Book, a breakthrough publishing event last fall, and other works, on Male Suffering and Healing; Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, Certified Jungian Analyst, on the Divine Feminine; and Pacifica Academic and Jungian Analyst-in-Training Dianne Juhl,, on “The Feminine Face of Money”;Susan Rowland, Ph.D. on her seminal research, C. G. Jung and the Humanities, on Jung’s writing and widespread influence on our culture.
All Inside Out and the "DNA of Carl Jung" website, CDs, audio, and all radio content of KPFZ 88.1 FM, Lake County Community Radio, including all interviews are owned and copyrighted exclusively by 2009-2010 by Taira St. John, St. John Productions, Lakeport, CA. No duplication or use in any media or written format material of any property of Taira St. John is permitted without the express written and advance permission of Taira St. John, and then only with acknowledgement of the origin and literary, visual, audio ownership and approval of use as legally granted. No third party or affiliate permission is granted. For further information, please contact Taira St. John, Ph.D., M.F.T., P. O. Box 716. Lakeport, CA 95453 - 707-262-0400. Email: stjohnt@mchsi.com.
"Together, we can regenerate the light and change our existence for the common good..." Taira St. John